New Year Celebration - what to eat to have energy to celebrate all night

It is not a secret that usually we drink and eat a lot at our New Year party. And often this wonderful tradition makes you feel tired too early. No energy to dance, or have fun with friends and family... Just the irresistible desire to close your eyes and find a pillow somewhere. So what shall we eat not to miss all the fun during this wonderful night?
If you are planning to party all night, you should think over your menu very thoroughly. The food that is usually offered for New Year night is sometimes too heavy, so it makes you feel sleepy very fast. Are there any chances not to fall asleep before midnight? Yes, we think so.

The first rule of a New Year party is a good mood and a lot of fun. You should dance, sing, talk to your friends – and you will not feel tired so early.
But the menu is just as important to stay awake late into the night! Eat vitamin rich foods that will give you energy. You will need plenty of Vitamin C and B and omega-3 fatty acids to give yourself the energy to stay awake. Avoid foods with tryptophan like turkey that can make you feel tired and sluggish.

Salmon and walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and will boost your metabolism. Use salmon steamed or grilled, add some lemon and you will get a delicious dish for you New Year table.

Fruits are very tasty and full of vitamins. Oranges and other citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C. Moreover they are considered to be traditional New Year fruits. They will fill your house with splendid flavor making you feel happy and active!

Eggs and beans are rich in vitamin B. Add them to your salads and you will feel the difference.

Sweet potatoes are hugely versatile and you can enjoy them mashed, grilled, steamed, roasted, in a salad, by themselves or in a curry.

Eat small meals often to keep your metabolism running. Larger meals can make you sluggish.


It is impossible to imagine a New Year party without alcoholic drinks. It is just like going to Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower. But you should be very accurate while choosing the drinks for the night. Red wine and sparkling wines will be fine as well as different cocktails mixed with natural juices.

And do not forget about water! Water is needed to help carry nutrients and oxygen to cells, both of which if in low supply can lead to fatigue and nausea.

We wish you a Happy New Year! May this New Year find you at the table filled with local fruits and vegetables surrounded by your cherished family and beloved friends! Have good food, drink well and ring in the New Year in high spirits!
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