Know Your Food: Pastured/Free-Range Eggs

Chicken eggs have been a part of human diet for thousands of years. Unfortunately, with the shift to industrial agriculture methods, both animal welfare and nutritional qualities of eggs have suffered. Recent emphasis on pastured or free-range eggs, however, means return of at least some of the original qualities of this indispensable product. But what exactly does it mean when eggs are marketed as free-range or pastured?
Know Your Food: Pastured/Free-Range Eggs
The Basics
Though eggs hardly need an introduction, they’re definitely worth talking about. A year-round staple in the average American household, eggs have been consumed by humans for thousands of years—since the domestication of the chicken. Today, chicken eggs are still the most commonly consumed. 1000 Eco Farms features pastured or free-range eggs. Pastured or free-range eggs mean that the chickens producing the eggs are free to roam as they please, and aren’t confined to packed cages.

How are Pastured/Free-Range Eggs good for your health?
Eggs are widely accepted as a source of super affordable and high-quality protein. Eggs are rich in a variety of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin B2, vitamin D, and nutrients that promote heart health, such as betaine and choline. In addition to being full of desirable nutrients, eggs are also filling, and can serve a useful place in your overall diet.

Why should you buy Pastured/Free-Range Eggs from an eco/local farm?
Conventional chicken egg operations often involve the mistreatment of chicken, and ecologically irresponsible practices. When you buy eggs at the store “free-range” can be misleading. U.S. labeling laws say that free-range means the chickens must have access to the outside—but how much access and how often, is not explicitly stated. The only way to be certain about where your eggs are coming from (and whether or not they’re pumped with antibiotics!) is to get to know your local chicken egg farmer!

How can I use Pastured/Free-Range Eggs in my home?
Everyone knows how they like they’re eggs—fried, scrambled, over easy—but there are plenty of unique ways to work eggs into your diet. Try hard-boiling eggs at the beginning of the week that you can add to salads as you please. Or add a fried egg to that stir-fry to help round out your dinner.

What do you think? Do you buy pastured eggs? What role do eggs play in your diet?
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