National CSA Sign Up Day

Today, February 24th, 2017 is a National CSA Day 2017. Quite a few people don't know what CSA stands for, and why this model is important not just for farmers, but for consumers as well. Learn more, and find a CSA farm near you to celebrate small farmers and support local agriculture.
National CSA Sign Up Day
A CSA, which stands for Community Supported Agriculture, is a direct-to-consumer business model for farmers. Usually, the member pays for a season’s worth of produce sometimes months in advance and then receives a box of produce each week throughout the harvest season. The members and the farmers share in the risk and reward inherent in farming. CSA shares may come in various sizes (half-share, whole-share), at different delivery rates (weekly, biweekly), with and without add-ons (eggs, flowers) and with different delivery/pick-up methods (at the farm, at the farmers’ market or delivered directly to the consumer). Share size can be either measured by weight or by family size, so a farmer can estimate how many people each delivery will feed. Farmers or CSA organizers often include products from several complementary farms, so in addition to vegetables, a share may also include meat and dairy, grains, fruits, mushrooms, and other produce. And many farmers don't limit consumers to predetermined contents of a box, but offer at least some degree of flexibility in choosing the contents of a share at the delivery or pickup time.

This mutually beneficial relationship benefits the farmer because they get revenue when they need it most to prepare for the harvest season. But it also benefits consumers in a multitude of ways. For one, they get to know the farmer and know where their food comes from. This helps hold farmers accountable so that they uphold best practices and provides an education to the community because consumers can visit the farms and learn about their food. Members also get healthy, nutrient-dense, fresh, seasonal and sustainable food at an affordable price. They also get to build and interact with the community at large. Sometimes farms will include foods that their members have never tried, providing a good opportunity to experiment and expand their palate and knowledge about food, and improve their cooking skills. The food is usually delivered, so consumers save a trip to the grocery store or market. Some farms hold exciting, educational and interesting events for their members. And finally, CSA customers get to be part of the growing movement to reclaim our food system. They get to support local and sustainable food systems and local sustainable farmers and get to vote with their dollar and their fork at the same time!

A few suggestions for those that are considering or already decided to participate in a CSA this year. First, get to know your farmer, and don't hesitate to visit the farm prior to signing up or during the season. Keep an eye on emails and other communication from the farm - they usually offer timely recipes, information about possible delivery date and time changes, special events, etc. And make sure you participate in open houses or seasonal festivals frequently offered by the farms - this is an integral part of this model, and is not just educational, but also a lot of fun for the entire family!

If you haven’t already signed up for a CSA yet, do so today, during the National CSA Sign Up Day. Find a CSA near you by browsing our website - you will be surprised to find how many great farms are nearby!
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