Season for skiing: what is a good food to enjoy before and after skiing and other winter sports

There are a lot of people who really enjoy winter sports. But all winter sports require a lot of physical effort, so you should prepare accordingly. You will face nature with its cold and dry mountain air. If you want to enjoy your weekend winter getaway, you should make sure that you know what food and drinks will be most appropriate.
It’s important to eat a little different to sustain energy during exercise in the winter. The best food for optimal performance should contain carbohydrates, protein and fat as part of every meal. You should eat foods that are slightly higher in fat and protein about two to three hours before being active in the winter. Eating a little more will sustain your energy longer in the cold.

Breakfast is an essential meal to start the day right. There are several must-haves on the menu. First, it’s important to re-hydrate. A large glass of juice (citrus fruits for the vitamins) and a hot drink (coffee, tea or hot chocolate) are essential. Cereals, rich in carbohydrates that will release their energy over the long day: think whole wheat breads, whole grain cereal. A source of calcium and protein is also necessary. For those who don’t drink milk, opt for a yogurt or cottage cheese and mix it up in your cereal. If you are going to have a highly intense day, add a slice of ham or some eggs.

Lunch should be light if you plan to ski in the afternoon. Try a mixed salad, bread and starches (rice, pasta), fish, a sweet dessert, a drink.
Season for skiing: what is a good food to enjoy before and after skiing and other winter sports
Just after skiing, have a snack, a granola bar or a light pastry. Have a more high-calorie dinner a but later. The recommendation is for a hearty vegetable soup, some poultry or fish (avoid cured meats except for cooked ham) with some starches, a glass of wine and a milk-based dessert.

What about alcohol? It is really cold in winter, so what about having something to warm your tummy? This is really a very bad idea. Energy from alcohol breakdown generates some heat, but alcohol does not fuel the muscles. Alcohol also alters perception, slows reaction time, reduces strength and endurance, and hinders accuracy, balance and hand-eye coordination. These effects lead to safety concerns. So save alcohol until you're done with physically strenuous activity.

You should remember that you are losing fluid through respiration and perspiration as you exercise in the cold dry air. Drink plenty of water to keep your fitness level optimal. Your thirst is not an indicator of fluid needs; you need a glass or two of water for every hour of skiing.

If you want to get a maximum return from your winter weekend take along some fruit, healthy snack and bottles of water. Include appropriate food and drinks in your planning process, and you will have a great time!
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