Know Your Food: Fresh Whole Milk

Do you know everything about this staple of the modern diet? Popularity of farm fresh milk has been growing lately, and quite a few dietitian nutritionists now recommend whole milk as compared to fat-free or reduced fat one. Read on to learn why!
Know Your Food: Fresh Whole Milk
The Basics
As one of the oldest and most commonplace food items in the United States, everyone has an opinion on milk. Cow’s milk specifically is most common, usually in the form of skim or low-fat milk. Whole milk — which retains the cream and therefore entire fat content of milk — is the traditionally consumed form, and wasn’t surpassed in popularity by skim milk until 1988. Whole milk is of course thicker and creamier than its low-fat counterpart.

How is Whole Milk good for your health?
Despite a controversial past, recent studies show that whole milk is likely to have more health benefits than skim. Some studies (Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2013; NCBI, 2010) have even shown that children who consumed whole milk were likely to have a lower body mass index than their skim milk-drinking peers. While milk is of course known containing high levels of calcium, whole milk specifically has been found to contain even higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than nonfat milk.

Why should you buy Whole Milk from an eco/local farm?
Despite the potential heath benefits whole milk has, conventional milk production is part of the extremely controversial dairy industry. The dairy industry is known to rely on unethical practices including the mistreatment, unreasonable confinement, physical and emotional stress, and exploitation of dairy cows. Dairy cows are often treated with hormones, such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), to boost milk output, which has been associated with adverse heath effects for the animal and potentially humans as well. Basically, the only way to be entirely sure of how your milk is produced is to get to know a local producer — and maybe even see for yourself by paying a visit to the farm!

How can I use Whole Milk in my home?
Oh man, how to use milk?! So. Many. Ways! Americans tend to support drinking milk by the glass, but if you don’t want to consume milk in high quantities, there are plenty of alternatives. Add a splash of milk to bulk up your smoothie with some healthy fats. Use whole milk in any of your dessert recipes for a richer, creamier result. Use it to make some homemade cheeses (actually much easier than it may sound!), like mozzarella, ricotta or paneer, or to make milk kefir or yogurt for some healthy, homemade probiotics.

What’s your opinion on milk? Do you buy whole or skim milk? Let us know!
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