Pitted Kalamata Olives Orange Infused
$12.00$10.00 / pc - 1 lb container
$12.00$10.00 / pc - 1 lb container
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Produce -- Potatoes. Multiple product options available: 4
$4.00 / pc - Lehigh Gold 2 # bag
$4.00 / pc - Lehigh Gold 2 # bag
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Produce -- Onions
$4.00 / pc - 2 lb bag
$4.00 / pc - 2 lb bag
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Produce -- Carrots. Multiple product options available: 2
$3.75 / pc - 3/4 # bag carrrots, no greens
$3.75 / pc - 1 bunch, with greens
$3.75 / pc - 3/4 # bag carrrots, no greens
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