Coffee ceremony: traditions from around the world

We are sure that there are a lot of coffee lovers among our readers. Many of us start their morning with a cup of this hot beverage. Its magnificent aroma and taste brings us into tone, makes the head clear and lifts the spirit. This ancient drink is appreciated all over the world. Many countries even have their own traditions and cooking rules. Let's try to find out some of them.
We do not for certain when the invigorating properties of coffee were discovered. But according to one of the legends they were found out by the shepherd from Ethiopia named Caldi, who lived around 850 AD. It was he who noticed that after eating leaves and fruits of the coffee tree his goats became very active and vigorous. At the very beginning people used a decoction of raw grains. Then they began to use dried fruits. And only in the XII century the grains began to be dried, fried and grinded. Later the drink spread all over the world, and each people introduced their own rules and methods of cooking. So the Arabs added spices to coffee, e.g. ginger and cinnamon, and also diluted it with milk to make its taste softer.
In Italy, which is famous for its love of coffee, people believe that you should drink cappuccino, caffe latte (coffee with milk) and cafe macchiato only in the morning. It is considered bad manners to order it later. If you want to have less coffee in your coffee you should order a cup of caffe macchiato, and if on the contrary — a cup of macchiato caffe. Espresso is called simply

caffe. It is served in small cups and Italians usually drink it standing their feet since they believe that it is better absorbed.

Turkey is another country of coffee lovers. The proverb saying that "Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love" eloquently explains what kind of coffee people prefer in this country. Usually it is brewed in a copper jezve and is served after a meal.

A cup of strong aromatic coffee is a beginning of the day for every real Cuban. Strong coffee in the house is an integral part of the culture here. In Cuba people drink coffee in small portions throughout the day.

In Saudi Arabia, this magnificent drink is boiled with the addition of cardamom grains to neutralize caffeine and to soften its strength. Coffee here is usually served according to seniority, as a tribute of respect and honor.
In Ethiopia which is considered to be the homeland of coffee, it is loved and revered to such an extent that it was declared an official national drink. Here it is brewed in a stone jug three times a day. And during each ceremony the Ethiopians drink three cups of coffee. In some provinces sugar is added. And it is interesting enough that sugar is first put in the cup, and only then the drink is poured. In other provinces salt is added instead of sugar, sometimes even too much of it.

We have told you only about some countries, rules and traditions. And how do you like to drink your coffee and what else do you know about it?
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