Taco and Fajita bundle contents:
3 lb. ground beef
1 lb. salt & pepper loose sausage
1 lb. boneless chicken breast
1 lb. flat iron steak
Everything you need for an EPIC taco or fajita night.
Make it for a crowd, or have it for 3-4 meals.
Delicious pastured pork products with the best possible nutrition produced on local Maryland and Pennsylvania farms through sustainable and humane farming practices. All pigs are fed with non-GMO grains and are raised on pasture. Pork products include pork belly, pig feet, pork chops( bone in pork chop / boneless pork chop / thin cut pork chop / thick cut pork chop), pork roast, pork shoulder roast, pork roll, pork shank, pork liver, breakfast sausage, pork kielbasa. Fresh pork smoked ham hock is good for slow cooking. In addition, pork leaf lard (rendered fat) is now on sale! Buy fresh and beyond organic pork at a great value and pick up at nearest location in Maryland or District of Columbia today!
100% grass-fed and pastured beef products from local Maryland and Pennsylvania farms. The animals are naturally-raised through beyond organic and humane farming practices. Products include steaks, beef bones, beef fat, and burger patties, all GMO-free and soy-free. Get your delicious high-quality beef, and know that you're helping the environment by buying the products produced through regenerative agriculture techniques!
These truly free range chickens are raised out on pasture in floorless shelters that are moved each day to a fresh patch of grass. Homestead Harvest GMO-free and soy-free chicken feed is used to supplement grass and insects foraged by the birds. The feed is also tested for Glyphosate contamination. In addition to whole chickens, available parts include chicken breasts, legs, thighs, livers, feet, heads, hearts, wings and so on. Delicious, juicy chicken perfect for grilling, frying, or roasting. Get your fresh and beyond organic poultry today!
The purpose of doing the bundle "boxes" is to give you all plenty of options for bulk meat so the farm can have certain sales and you can have lower prices. As you can imagine, the larger the bulk purchase, the more savings. Take advantage of these great values!
Meat products produced and offered by Walnut Run Farm