Wild Yarrow Tincture

$19.97 / pc
2 oz reusable glass bottle/dropper top
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Ingredients: Wildcrafted yarrow flowers & leaves slowly infused into Organic Vodka

Volume: 2 oz reusable glass bottle/dropper top

Directions: suggested use 3 x per day to reduce symptoms

Wild Harvested: I ethically hand picked wild yarrow flowers from my chemical free yard and the forest

Wild Yarrow Tincture Benefits Used Internally:

Known to help with urinary tract infections
Reduce menstrual cramps
Brush your teeth with tincture. Yarrow is an astringent and helps tighten gums. Just a couple drops on your brush.
Aid in digestion- It works as an herbal bitter stimulating digestion and gallbladder before meals. Take one dropper10 minutes before your meals.
Reduce a Fever- Yarrow is known to help safely reduce a fever. Take a dropper full every hour in warm water.

Wild Yarrow Tincture Benefits Used Externally:

Wound Wash- Dilute with some water to wash the wound.
Bug Repellent: Transfer some to a spray bottle and keep applying

Some people like the taste of tinctures, and others add a dropper full to water.

San Rafael, Marin County, California, United States of America
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