Wild Sagebrush Body Oil

$19.97 / pc
2 fluid oz in glass bottle/treatment pump
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Ingredients: Wildcrafted Sagebrush slowly infused in Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil and Organic Jojoba Oil.

Volume: 2 fluid oz in glass bottle/treatment pump top for easy use and no spillage.

Directions: Apply liberally to body, feet, face, earlobes, for massage, to a bath, for calming, soothing, uplifting, and renewing purposes.

Apply oil in the morning, when you go to bed, when your skin is dry, when your skin is wet right after bathing, when you're outside in the elements. What works best to moisture YOUR skin? This is great to get to know the terrain of your body and tune-in.

Oil hands and feet before bedtime for grounding and calming, get to sleep and stay asleep.

This is a cleansing body oil, a smudging and clearing oil to help cleanse negative energy. Sagebrush is invigorating, cleansing and protective when you wear it as an herbal body oil.

Sagebrush is also anti-bacterial and good for cuts, scrapes, bug bites, and pain.

Sagebrush body oil has been traditionally worked with as a head massage oil for dry scalp.

Sagebrush is overly abundant in my small town of Montana and was mindfully and ethically harvested with intention and prayer.

No essential oils. Whole plant infused oil!

A little goes a long way of this beautiful oil. Enjoy!
San Rafael, Marin County, California, United States of America
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