Lavender Herbal Body Oil

$19.97 / pc
2 oz glass bottle/treatment pump top
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Ingredients: Organic Lavender Flowers, Organic Chamomile Flowers, Organic Lemon Balm, Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Lavender EO

2 oz glass bottle/treatment pump top

Directions: Apply liberally to body, feet, face, earlobes, for massage, to a bath, for calming, soothing, uplifting, and renewing purposes.

Oil hands and feet before bedtime for grounding and calming, get to sleep and stay asleep.

Apply this lavender herbal body oil to sore muscles, achy muscles, tense muscles for relief.

It's great applies to topical inflammation such as red or swollen skin.

Apply oil in the morning, when you go to bed, when your skin is dry, when your skin is wet right after bathing, when you're outside in the elements. What works best to moisture YOUR skin? This is great to get to know the terrain of your body and tune-in.

Lavender Herbal Body Oil benefits are excellent for relaxing the mind, body, and spirit.
Lavender Flower benefits- Cooling, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, relaxing.

Chamomile Flower benefits- Cooling, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, calming.

Lemon Balm benefits- Relax muscles, relive stress, reduce anxiety, boost brain function, ease sleep disorders.

The Magic of Lavender-
Lavender is cooling and good for an over heated body and for after sun care. It's gentle and powerfully relaxing. When you use the lavender herbal body oil - take a long deep breath and relax.

Lavender is amazing for tension headaches, tension in the neck and shoulders. Lavender is anti-spasmodic so it helps with muscle spasms of any kind. It's also good for premenstrual headaches.

Lavender is the herb of PEACE & BALANCE and puts you in a calm state.

Lavender is know for anti-aging because it helps reduce stress and stress reduction means younger skin.

Lavender helps you have a clear vision when your mind is foggy by anxiety.

Awaken and lift the spirit with the scent of Lavender.

Herbalist Judith Berger suggest Lavender baths be taken regularly by every women raising children. :)

Lavender Herbal Body Oil Uses-
Relax the muscles.
Use for cuts, scrapes, burns, and rashes.
Great for scalp and foot massage.
Relieve headaches.
Cooling for sunburns, bug bites.

I harvest fresh lavender from my yard and also buy organic lavender from mountain rose herbs for this product! Always made in small batches of 8-10 to ensure quality and freshness.
San Rafael, Marin County, California, United States of America
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