Anise Hyssop Botanical Simple Syrup

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$15.99 / pc
8 oz Anise Syrup
$24.99 / pc
16 oz Anise Syrup
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We infuse our freshly harvested, certified organically grown Anise Hyssop to create a syrup flickers potently with notes of green herb/Anise/black licorice/fennel. Use with seltzer, in lemonade, in cocktails and whoever you desire an anise flavor in foods or confections. Drizzle on cake, use in vinaigrette, or as the sugar substitute when making kombucha.

Cocktail Syrup

Botanical Simple Syrups are great for making herbal sodas, mocktails and cocktails. Please enjoy responsibly.
380 North Shady Retreat Road, Doylestown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 18901, USA
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