
Are you serious? As if they don't have enough synthetics in our Food...Industry has lied to us all of our lives!! They use language to make us feel all warm and fuzzy. But is it honest concerned language from people who really care?!! HELL NO!!! We can't go to the store now without all the fake fillers and preservatives in our foods...Our foods are by-products of food NOT REAL FOOD!!! Gates? Branson? Cargill?? Monsanto?? Seriously?? The testing of Mice w/ GMO's produce Tumors!!! These psychopaths are ruining our ECOSYSTEMS NOW THANKS TO THEIR SO CALLED VISION!! Pesticide Co's. involved with our food?!! Big Pharma. involved w/ our food...I've seen Govt. facilities for live stock and it's a joke!!! crowded, diseased and injected!!! But they put farmer John out of Business cause he wasn't raising his livestock with chemicals!! You people are MAD IF YOU THINK THESE MORONS HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS!! THERE'S NO BENEVOLENCE IN THEIR ACTIONS!!! OLD SCHOOL FARMING AND ORGANIC LIVING IS THE BEST!!
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