modern farmers -

Like many modern farmers I didn`t grow up on a farm. This passion came to me in youth. My parents were town children, but my uncle had a local farm. He grew his fruits, vegetables and animals for his family and I visited them at summer holidays. I remember their big flock of laying hens, cow, some pigs and the goat into the yard.

I remember that drank the most delicious milk in the world and ate the most delicious eggs with bright yolk. These events made me determined to have farm and animals on it.
My farm is started with some chickens, later appeared ducks and geese. Then just for fun I raised rabbits and goats. But I decided to get rid of them it takes too much time. Before long I understand I am not ready to live without freshest milk, meat and eggs and I have been grateful for these resources during the economic crises.

I learned by rolling my sleeves into what has become a life-long and ongoing learning experience.
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