Let's talk about numerous labels and stickers that we see on food products in shops and supermarkets. You can often find "organic product", "natural product", "free-range" and "non-GMO". If you want to be a knowledgeable consumer important to know differences between these concepts.

The most important thing to understand and to remember that "natural" does not mean organic. "Natural" is an unregulated term and can be used on any product, while "organic" means a set of production standards.

If you see on the meat or poultry label "free-range" it means that the animal was not confined to the cells and moves freely on a certain territory, but does not mean that it was grown organically. In order to attach such a label does not require certification. There is no need to get any special documents too, manufacturers just attract and stimulate buyers to get the label "non GMO».

Label «Natural-In the U.S. » means that the product has been minimally processed, does not contain artificial dyers, preservatives, flavors or other artificial ingredients. But animals could be exposed to antibiotics or growth enhancers.

Label «Grass Fed» means that the animals (cattle, goats, sheep, etc.) were fed only by grass and hay, they grazed on pastures and therefore healthier and their meat contains more omega-3.
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