feeding animals in winter -

Feeding cattle and poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc), especially in winter, was the main problem for large farms, and residents of the village. In 30-ies of the last century, scientists first used the hydroponic method of growing plants. Initially, this method of growing plants was based on the immersion of roots of plants in the aquatic environment. Then, because of the inefficiency of this method, plants were placed in the substrate, soaked in a nutrient solution.

Today, hydroponic method of growing plants is one of the most promising. Hydroponic method of growing plants does not require large areas of fertile land and a large amount of water. This feature makes the hydroponic method of growing plants effective in cold or arid climate.

Another main advantage of hydroponic growing is that you can get the harvest independently on the time of year.

In modern conditions not only herbs and vegetables can be grown by similar method, but forage for animals. Many farmers prefer to produce feed for their animals than to buy expensive food, sometimes not of the highest quality, because it’s profitably. Hydroponic green fodder can be grown without nutrient solutions. And the beneficial effect of HGF is in the meat quality, it’s taste, structure, that will also make dairy products and eggs better.
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