hydroponic systems -

I want to tell you about growing of plants, care for them by the way of hydroponic hobby.

At first, you should know that self-designed hydroponic systems were created in 1940`s. A bucket full of seeds was plunged into nutrient solution. And then they were replaced into growing bed with substrate. Growing process depends on light, temperature and stage of plant growth. That system is very simple and productive, but it needs much hobbyist time.

In course of time plant growing became automatically, by means of pumps, plastics, timer and drip irrigation supplies. Instead of soil were applied vermiculite, perlite, bark, mixture of rice hulls.

Best known substrates are perlite and vermiculite. It will be useful if you want to grow lettuce, beets, arugula, mustards, spinach and other herbs.
20 years after hydroponic shops were appeared. Nowadays hydroponic hobbies become very popular and there are many kinds of it.
Innovative food production techniques are very important, because the population in the world increases, at the same time need for food is growing and our resources are exhausting. Therefore urban agriculture is developing, like vertical farming, transition gardens and other. There are aquaponic and hydroponic systems, which attract the attention of more people, in center of sustainable food solution.

These techniques are optimal solution of problems with food, it provides increases production with minimum investment. In aquaponics and hidroponics applies the ecosystem approach, efficient using of resources and the production does not consist of pesticides and synthetic fertilizer.

Even the using of simple home systems is guarantee an interesting and easy way of growing without weeding, digging and exhausting irrigation.

The great numbers of people adapt it to their needs and to their location, for example balcony, rooftop or industrial building.
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