Healthy teeth

Everyone knows that the pearl enamel of the teeth is erased with time. This happens even if you follow all the rules: brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth after every meal and visit your dentist. Some of us use special cleaning products twice a week to get snow-white smile. But do you know that oral hygiene can be maintained with the help of home remedies? A mixture of mustard oil and salt is the best for this purpose.
Besides the yellowing of the enamel in the oral cavity, some other problems may occur: tooth decay, bleeding gums or inflammation. The most common causes of all these troubles are sweet and processed food, irregular tooth cleaning, tobacco use, hard water.
People have always faced all these problems, so various recipes for oral disinfection and tooth whitening appeared. Many recipes have been lost, but those that have reached us can be considered a sign of quality.

Mustard oil and salt are a home remedy that people have used to treat gums and to remove plaque for centuries. Salt acts as a soft abrasive that helps to lighten the teeth. It is also a natural source of fluoride, that is very useful for gums and teeth. Mustard oil strengthens the gums and helps to remove the plaque, which apperars due to bacteria. As a bonus it also helps to cure bleeding gums.

If you want to get a cleaning paste, take a pinch of salt without iodine and add a little mustard oil to it. You can add a little turmeric, so the benefits will become even greater. Use this mixture to massage the teeth and gums with your finger for about two minutes. Then leave the mixture on your teeth for a few more minutes, and then rinse your mouth with warm water. Use this mixture regularly to achieve an excellent effect.

Healthy teeth are very important for the general state of human health, because most bacteria and viruses enter the body through the mouth. So you should carefully monitor the health of the oral cavity. Do not neglect the rules of hygiene and be healthy!
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