Why are we angry when we are hungry?

Have you ever displaced your anger on to other people when you were hungry? And afterwards you felt guilty thinking about your actions? This is hunger that makes us irritable and angry. If you noticed this behavior with yourself, this article will be interesting to you.
Why do we respond so much to hunger? Why do we "lose our temper" if we do not eat on time?
Source: giphy.com/gifs/reaction-time-mrw-qtAy4ycRt

Source: giphy.com/gifs/reaction-time-mrw-qtAy4ycRt

Doctor Shilpa Arora (Shilpa Arora) says that "Food is a fuel for the brain that activates all the cells in the body. Lack of nutrients can cause serious health problems, and irritability and anger can be considered the first symptoms. We are happy when we are full, at this time our body produces hormones necessary for the start of various processes in the body. These hormones are serotonin and melatonin – the hormones of joy and happiness. When we stay hungry, our body goes into a stress regime, producing more cortisol which leads to irritability and anger.

We obtain nutrients with food: proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are processed into simple sugars, fatty acids and amino acids. As a rule they penetrate into the bloodstream and are distributed along the tissues generating energy. The longer the time interval between meals, the less nutrients remain in the organs and tissues. When the blood sugar level falls, the brain begins to perceive hunger as stress. We become grouchy, clumsy, we lose concentration, make stupid mistakes and "break" for no reason. Fortunately, not all organs react to hunger, most of them continue to function normally.
When we are hungry we do not care what to eat: chocolates, hamburgers, chips. Usually we choose delicious but harmful food that can quickly raise the level of glucose. But we can get the opposite effect!

That's why you should choose the right food. Products that really help to cope with stress and satisfy hunger are homemade eggs, oatmeal, boiled potatoes, apples and other vegetables and fruits.

Now you know how hunger acts on you, and you can cope with the situation in time. But choose fresh healthy foods to help you.
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