Calendula Wildcrafted Salve

$11.97 / pc
1 oz Glass Jar
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Ingredients: Organic Calendula Flowers infused in Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Whole Vanilla bean, Organic Jojoba Oil, Patchouli EO, Natural Beeswax
1 oz Glass Jar
Directions: Apply onto dry winter skin, dry patches, chapped lips, diaper rash, feet.

I love this wildcrafted salve for my hands and lips in the winter. It's fits perfect in my purse.

Calendula has made a name for itself to be the “All Healer” for most skin conditions.

Calendula salve has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Skin conditions that this Calendula wildcrafted salve is perfect for: chapping, rashes, diaper rash, burns, eczema, frostbite, athletes foot, hemorrhoids, cracked skin, and cancer-like growths.

The Calendula wildcrafted salve will put moisture in the skin.

All ingredients natural and from nature.


This is the Perfect Wildcrafted Winter Salve. Soothing and reparative for all skin conditions.

A salve is a semi-solid spreadable balm made with infused herbal oils.

Salve protects and nourishes our skin.

It helps the skin repair itself faster after a cut, burn, rash, bug bite.

The herbal plant calendula is known to contain skin cell regenerating properties.

Beeswax has a built in anti-microbial property to help form a protective layer over the abrasion.
San Rafael, Marin County, California, United States of America
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