Farmers Market
$3.00 / pc
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Clark's Farm grows all its herbs and vegetables without the use of chemicals:

No synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides.

We strive to promote biodiversity and healthy soils to produce healthy vegetables.

We use cover crops to increase organic matter and prevent soil erosion.

We rotate crops through the garden to help manage soil fertility and reduce pest pressure.

We plant, weed, trim, trellis, and harvest everything by hand!

Clark's Farm

Martha Clark and Nora Crist are pleased to be providing 100% grassfed beef. Our goal is to provide our neighbors with a local source of pasture-raised, grass-finished beef, an alternative to the feedlot-raised, corn-fed beef that is prevalent in local stores.

In recent years we have also begun offering pasture raised pork for sale. Just like our beef, our pigs are raised without the use of synthetic hormones, routine antibiotics, or steroids. In addition to what our pigs forage in their pastures, they are supplemented with a blend of non-GMO grains (not from genetically modified organisms) and extra produce from our chemical free farm garden.
Fingerboard Farm Market (10240 Fingerboard Road, Ijamsville, MD, 21754)
Turn on Whiskey Road, first immediate left onto the gravel driveway, follow the road all the way back to the yellow barn.
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